You Are Being Numbed
Having porn being a part of your life desensitizes you from what life really is. The constant overload of dopamine in your brain makes it hard for you to enjoy normal things. Things like going after your goals, spending time with loved ones, and self-growth aren’t enough for you anymore.
Porn drains you of your energy, leaving you with no motivation and ambition. This constant intake of instant gratification leads to an hole that will only get deeper. Before you know it, your life has plateaued with no improvement.
Viewing pornography creates false expectations of what sex should be. It causes absurd and unnatural acts to appear normal and the viewer anticipates them from their partner. Porn is triggering expectations that you truly don’t have only to increase the amount of stimulation and exhilaration you experience from watching it. This is because you always need more and more to continuously satisfy the addiction.
As the world becomes more sexualized, porn will only continue to gain more popularity. Some doctors are even conforming to this narrative by saying porn is normal. Society is relentlessly pushing hookup culture by glorifying casual sex and implementing the unneeded sex scenes in everyday entertainment.
Social Media’s Danger
The booming evolution of social media makes quitting porn even more difficult. Most of what is seen on these platforms can be found in Playboy magazines from a few years ago. The photos or videos that are looked over are unrealistic. Makeup, filters, angles, photo edits… anything is used to trick you. If you are following these “models,” it must stop now. Following the accounts will make your porn recovery journey almost impossible. You are disrespecting yourself when you view their content.
Many men and women follow “Instagram Models” or their TikTok “For You Page” is riddled with soft-core porn. Soft-core porn is erotic photos or videos that do not show full nudity. Again, porn hyper-stimulates the natural reward system in your brain that is wired for sex with another human being. This pushes your brain past what it is equipped with handling. Soft-core pornography is your addiction trying to trick you into giving it more of what it wants. Psychologists have found that people who view this content tend to have a less flattering view of women. It teaches men to view women as objects, rather than to be in relationships with women as human beings.
In a world where we have endless information at the tips of our fingers, we forget that children have access to the internet as well. Many children either have their own devices or have the ability to use mom or dad’s device. What is most disturbing is the age range where a child first views pornographic content. Dustin Jizmejian, a speaker with Summit Ministries, states that this range is between the ages of 8 to 11. At such a young age, minds are being molded and succumbing to a pornography addiction.