Is It Worth The Cost?

To break this down, let’s say you watch pornography on average every day for one hour. This includes the “Let me find the right video” predicament that each viewer goes through. That is already seven hours of your week that you can’t get back. In a month, you will have wasted 28 hours watching porn. Within a year that’s between 336-372 hours that have slipped through your grasp. That’s a total of 14-15 consecutive days spent consuming pornography.

Not only is porn damaging your mental health and ruining relationships with those you care about, but it’s also costing you a lot of time. This is time that could be spent on bettering yourself, working out, spending quality time with friend or family, etc. The more porn that is consumed, the more time that is wasted and you will only fuel your addiction.

Pornography Is Not A Joke

4/10 top most visited websites are porn based or contain explicit content

>33% of all online traffic is porn

25% of all internet searches are porn-related

70% of all paid content online is porn

BIG Numbers

219k pornographic videos watched per minute

115 million digital visits a day are made to explicit sites

6.8 million uploaded videos containing porn are made each day

1,300 searches are made per second

5 billion hours of porn are watched in a year

There is enough pornographic content downloaded to fill up every IPhone made to date

Money, Money, Money

The pornography industry is a 97 billion dollar production

It is single-handedly bigger than the annual revenues of Amazon, Facebook, Disney, Google, Microsoft and even McDonald’s

The industry even earns more than the MLB, NFL, and NBA combined